My family paddy field is now growing well, it is going to get harvest after 2 months. This year the rainfall was scanty, last month almost all of the paddy fields in different parts of Manipur state were drying, there were no means to get water except rainfall. At this hard time there came rain, very slowly and steadily, for 3 days. Then the paddy fields once again revive. We are happy that we will get a harvest. So also we who are in the field of souls will have a reaping time if we continue sowing. Praise the Lord, he is enabling me to take part in the SOWERS family!
We are encouraging particularly 4 leaders (Level 2 leaders), to complete the assignments as the leaders and be able to attend a Level 3 Refresher Seminar during this year.
The new believer, Mr H**, is still waiting for Level one training. Until then I am helping his spiritual walk, being available to be together, he is also learning how to give testimony in the open air.