Another highlight was giving to local evangelists and churches gifts from New Zealand which included Bibles. Do you remember this photo of the old worn out Bible I spoke of as I visited churches in New Zealand—it's pages were worn and torn and it had several books missing? Can you imagine what it would be like to prepare a message from a Bible like that or worse, not having a Bible at all? If you can, then you can imagine the joy that people had as they received their "own" copy. Pastors and Elders receiving their first ever Bible! Now they can read their own and don't have to share one with several other Pastors, in some cases walking long distances just to be able to read one.
However, your giving was not restricted to Bibles. By God's grace we were also able to purchase bicycles, new clothes, eye glasses and even a motorcycle. Some expressed their joy with tears while others lacked the words to say what they felt in their hearts. Yes, God is good and faithful !